Monday, December 24, 2012


I will be off for a few days, dedicating this time to my family and friends. Tonight, my dear friend Anna is hosting a big, elaborate, twelve course, Polish style Christmas Eve dinner called Wigilia. It is the most important evening in the whole year for us and everybody is waiting for it with joyful anticipation. The dress code is formal (yes, men in suits) and many of the dishes are only eaten on this day. There is no meat but variety of fish grilled, baked and in gelatin, poppy seeds in different forms, mushroom pierogies, red beet soup and kutia (sweet grain pudding). Aside from plenty of yummy food, there will be wine and laughter, telling stories by the fire and games for the kids. It is always a magical evening and it never fails to make me feel enveloped in traditions and wrapped in kindness and generosity of people close to my heart.

my daughter and memory of the last year's magic
May most of your wishes come true! 
Not all, so we still have some dreams to guide us on our journey into the future.  

Happy Holidays!!!

Where are you celebrating this year?


  1. Love this! What a wonderful feast and tradition! I will think of you!

    Merry Christmas! I hope you and the family have a blessed and safe holiday!

  2. Have a wonderful time with your lovely family, see you next year!

  3. Sounds like a wonderful night. Tomorrow morning will be so much fun with the young one. It's your turn to take pictures!
    Happy Holidays to your family.

  4. Wesołych świąt! and have a lovely lovely evening with friends and family!

  5. It sounds like a wonderful evening, it reminds me of Italy (Wigilia must mean Eve, right? It is almost the same word in Italian). Have a great Xmas!

  6. What a cool tradition! Merry Christmas!

  7. Merry Christmas to you and your family, ajc! :)

  8. Merry Christmas to you and yours, ajc!

  9. Merry Christmas to you and your family ajc!

  10. Best wishes for a very Merry Christmas, ajc!!!

  11. Merry Christmas, AJC. We are celebrating family, family, family :)

  12. It sounds like a truly special tradition. How lovely. Happy Holidays!
